At Lunas, we believe that education is just as important as execution. So feel free to take a look at our extensive collection of resources in B2B lead generation and sales all free, all fundamental.
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140+ powerful questions designed to uncover customer needs, qualify leads, and close more deals.
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Our favourite handpicks of books and podcasts we love and highly recommend for you and your business!
This book is an excellent hyper-tactical guide, packed with reasons for the methods, stories to demonstrate with clear principles, practical examples, and even exercises you can apply in your own business.
In this podcast, Palihapitiya, Calacanis, Sacks, and David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social, and poker in their podcast
This is a compelling book that applies the strategic insights of legendary military thinker John Boyd to the world of business. With concepts of agility, adaptability, and decision-making, the book offers invaluable guidance to business leaders seeking a winning edge in today's fast-paced and competitive landscape.
Surrounding yourself with the right community can help you and your business grow and thrive. Get to know the top sales communities and top sales leaders with our trusted recommendations!
View moreMark Colgan helps B2B sales leaders solve pipeline generation headaches. As a top sales prospecting voice, he works with agency owners getting under 5% email reply rates to generate more leads and revenue. Colgan has closed over $1M in revenue in 2.5 years, generated millions in net new ARR, and coached thousands of SDRs. Known for optimizing outbound prospecting campaigns and advising 200+ B2B companies, people come to Colgan when struggling with replies, meetings, and deals.
AJ Ghergich is a digital innovator and team builder with a passion for creating cutting-edge technologies. He’s founded and sold successful marketing and eCommerce startups, always staying connected with his teams. As @SEO on Twitter, AJ shares insights on Google, SEO, and content marketing. He’s also a dedicated mentor, leading webinars and speaking at conferences.
Lenny Rachitsky specializes in product-led growth strategies that drive business expansion. He has worked on growth at companies like Airbnb and writes a widely-read newsletter. Lenny hosts a podcast and actively invests in startups. With expertise spanning product design, marketing, and engineering, he creates comprehensive educational content for professionals.