How to Use Content Marketing to Drive Product-Led Growth

Learn how to fuel product-led growth with content marketing. Discover strategies to attract, engage, and convert users effectively.


So, you've built an amazing product. It solves problems. It’s clever. It’s useful. It could even make an impact on people’s lives. But here's the catch—nobody knows about it yet. Even the best products can be lost in competitive markets without good marketing.

Product-led content marketing combines two modern solutions for businesses. You take your amazing product and create content centered around it that offers value to the consumer. 

This blog will explain product-led content marketing, why it works, and how to implement it for your business. 

What Is Product-Led Content Marketing?

Marketer who is making a note to plan for content marketing, What Is Product-Led Content Marketing?

Let's start with product-led growth. It's pretty simple: your product does the heavy lifting. Instead of relying on pushy sales tactics or flashy ads, you focus on making your product so good that people can't help but use it and tell others.

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and engage a specific audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action.

Now, product-led content marketing takes these two ideas and runs with them. It's about creating content—articles, videos, podcasts, you name it—that doesn't just attract people but shows them how to solve their problems.

How Does Content Marketing Support Product-Led Growth?

50% of marketers plan to boost their content marketing investment in 2024. Why? Think of content marketing as your product's wingman. 

It gets you noticed, and your content leads people who need what you're offering to you. For this to work, your content should target the same pain points your product does and offer several solutions.

Now that 96% of prospects do their research before talking to a sales rep, content marketing is becoming more essential.

You're not just selling; you're helping people understand their problems and how to solve them. When you feature your product in your content, you should show it in action, not just list its features.

Regular, helpful content shows that you know your stuff, and people like that. Good content can also guide new users, making their first experience with your product a breeze.

Ongoing content helps users get more out of your product and stick around. It also boosts your search engine game, making it easier for people to find you when looking for solutions.

The most important thing to remember is that product-led content should drive experience and provide value. It's not about empty hype. Use your content to genuinely help your audience and show them what your product can do.

5 Steps to Leverage Content Marketing for Product-Led Growth

 Marketing team meeting for content planning, Content marketing for Product-Led Growth

Before creating content, you should know your product and audience inside out. Why? Your content needs to speak directly to the people who'll benefit most from your product, and it should present your product as the most attractive solution.

It's not about casting a wide net; it's about using the right bait for the fish you want to catch. Here are three simple steps you need to follow when marketing your product:

1. Identify Your Target Customers

Before writing the perfect message, you should know who you’re giving it to. Don’t just think about it, either. List the most important information about them.

You’re essentially creating a character profile for your ideal customer. Who are they? What do they do? Where do they hang out online? Are they tech-savvy startups or established enterprises looking to innovate?

Don't just guess. Use data from your current users, conduct surveys, or conduct market research. The more specific you can be, the better.

2. Master Your Product Inside Out

You can't be a guide if you don't know the terrain. Dive deep into your product. What are its standout features? How does it solve problems? What makes it unique?

Remember, your enthusiasm for your product will shine through in your content. The better you know it, the more authentically you can showcase its value.

3. Analyze Their Pain Points and Needs

Put on your detective hat. What keeps your target customers up at night? What problems are they trying to solve? Maybe they're struggling with team collaboration or drowning in data they can't understand.

Your product solves a problem. Your job is to figure out exactly what that problem looks like in your customers' daily lives.

4. Map Content to The Customer Journey

Picture your customer's journey like a road trip. They start with "I have a problem" and end with "This product is my hero!" Your content needs to be the helpful road signs along the way. Map content for each stage of the customer’s journey.

For folks just realizing they have a problem, create content that helps them understand the issue better. 

For those comparing solutions, offer content that shows how your product stacks up. For customers who've just started using your product, provide tutorials and tips to help them get the most out of it.

5. Measure Success and Iterate

Your work isn't done once you hit 'publish.' Keep an eye on how your content performs. Which pieces are getting the most engagement? Which ones are leading to product sign-ups or sales?

Use these insights to refine your approach. Maybe your how-to guides are hits, but your industry analysis pieces aren't gaining traction. Adapt your strategy based on data and analytics.

Strategies to Drive Product-Led Growth with Content Marketing

 Marketer is content planning, Content marketing strategies

You can create different types of content for your product, and not all of them will work for you. Choose which ones would best fit your audience. Here are four strategies you can mix and match to create a content plan that works for you.

1. Create Educational Blog Posts

Blog posts are versatile and always useful. It will most likely be helpful for you, no matter what your product is. Perhaps for this reason, blogs are also the most popular content format, with 90% of marketers using blogs to meet their content goals.

Start by choosing topics your audience cares about that relate to your product's strengths. Consider the questions your customers often ask or the problems they're trying to solve. Write clearly and conversationally, as if you're explaining things to a friend. 

Don't be afraid to dive deep into topics, but break up your content with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to keep it digestible.

When it comes to mentioning your product, be subtle. Your blog isn't a sales pitch; it's a helping hand. Weave mentions of how your product relates to the topic naturally. 

And don't forget visuals! Infographics, screenshots, or even memes (if they fit your brand) can make your posts more engaging and easier to understand. Your blog is often the first impression potential customers have of your brand, so make it count.

2. Produce Engaging Video Tutorials

Now that people turn to YouTube for everything, from fixing a leaky faucet to understanding quantum physics, video tutorials are golden. They’re especially useful for complicated tutorials on using your product. 91% of businesses used video for marketing in 2023.

Choose topics that showcase your product and provide real value to your audience. Maybe it's a step-by-step guide on using a feature or a broader tutorial on solving a problem your product addresses.

96% of people watch explainer videos to learn about a product, and 89% say these videos have influenced their buying decisions.

Keep your videos clear, concise, and high-quality. You don't need Hollywood-level production, but good lighting, clear audio, and a well-structured script go a long way. Host your videos on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, and embed them on your website or blog for easy access. 

Encourage viewers to interact by asking questions in the comments or suggesting topics for future videos. This boosts engagement and gives you valuable insights into what your audience wants to see next.

3. Host Webinars

Customer is attending a webinar, 5 Steps to Leverage Content Marketing for Product-Led Growth

Webinars are great for exploring topics in-depth and building a more personal connection with your audience. They’re best for sensational or fresh, new topics because they support healthy discussions.

Choosing the right topics for webinars is especially important because you should give your audience a reason to attend. 

Topics that offer clear value are a safe bet—maybe a masterclass on a skill related to your product or a panel discussion on industry trends. Structure your webinars to keep them engaging with a mix of presentations, demonstrations, and Q&A.

4. Start a Podcast

Podcasts offer a more casual, conversational format. Though less popular than other content types, 25% of marketers include podcasts or other audio content in their content strategy.

Like webinars, podcasts suit topics that benefit from in-depth and engaging discussions. You could start a series discussing industry news, interviewing experts, or sharing customer success stories. 

Maintain consistency—regular episodes help build a loyal audience. Don't be afraid to bring guest experts for webinars and podcasts. They add credibility and can help expand your reach to their audience too.

5. Leveraging SEO Techniques

SEO is about ensuring the right people find your great content. Start with keyword research—tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find terms your audience is searching for. 

Don't just chase high-volume keywords; look for specific, relevant terms that align with your content and product.

When creating content, weave these keywords in naturally. Search engines are smart—they’re looking for valuable, relevant content, not keyword stuffing. Optimize your page titles, meta descriptions, and headers, but always prioritize readability for humans over search engines.

Remember, the best SEO strategy is consistently creating high-quality, valuable content that genuinely helps your audience. Do that, and both search engines and potential customers will take notice.

Powering Up Your Product-Led Growth with Content Marketing

These are only a few ways to use content marketing for product-led growth. You can develop new ways to plan your content if you sit down and think about your product and audience.

Content marketing is a powerful engine for product-led growth. Creating valuable, informative content showcasing your product's strengths attracts potential customers, builds trust, demonstrates value, and guides users toward success with your product. 

Always prioritize your audience's needs. Whether crafting blog posts, producing videos, hosting webinars, or optimizing search engines, your content should solve problems and offer real value. 

With patience, consistency, and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can create a content strategy that drives growth and builds a community around your product.

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Ready to take your marketing skills to the next level? Lunas’ expert resources are here to guide you. From blogposts to free in-depth guides, we offer the tools you need to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. 

Don't stop learning—your next big marketing breakthrough could be just a click away.

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